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Beta Bodega Coalition 5タイトル CDセット
Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66 のディスコグラフィー5タイトルを収集。日本版CD5枚を特別価格でお届け!Beta Bodega Coalitionの5タイトルがセットになったこのCDセットは、音楽ファンにとって貴重なコレクションです。それぞれのアルバムは、独自のスタイルと魅力を放っており、全ての音楽愛好者に響くこと間違いなしです。 Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66 5 CDs of Japanese version for a special bundle price! This CD set of five titles from the Beta Bodega Coalition is a valuable collection for music fans. Each album radiates a unique style and charm that is sure to resonate with all music lovers. 1,EPSTEIN Y EL CONJUNTO | WHEN MAN IS FULL HE FALLS ASLEEP 2,AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA | GREATEST HITS 3, BOTANICA ALL STARS | GREATEST HITS 4, BOTANICA ALL-STARS 2: GREATEST HITS 5, LEB LAZE | RASHEED'S DREAM
12"EPより「Walking Life feat.Seven Star」「AIO」「Latinidad Mio feat.Ben Davis」その他、全曲収録。 Speck(Cyne),Seven Star 'Jay Tram' V8 'Mr.Cooper' Ben Davis' Russ Dawgなど実力派アーティストが多数参加! エクアドルからマイアミ〜アトランタ〜ブルックリンの影響を強く反映した、郷愁のメロディと埃っぽいビートが融合した全15曲収録の至高のアルバムです。 Walking Life feat. Seven Star", "AIO", "Latinidad Mio feat. Ben Davis" from the 12" EP and other songs are included. Speck(Cyne),Seven Star 'Jay Tram' V8 'Mr.Cooper' Ben Davis' Russ Dawg and many more talented artists! The album contains 15 tracks of nostalgic melodies and dusty beats, with strong influences from Ecuador, Miami, Atlanta and Brooklyn. 1 Esperanza 2:17 2 ADO 3:29 3 Workmans Comp Rap [Featuring] – Seven Star 3:28 4 Theme De La Mano Fria 2:13 5 Meadow 3:00 6 Partida 2:32 7 Walking Life Rap [Featuring] – Seven Star 3:14 8 8+3 Remix For Mr. Cooper Remix – Mr. Cooper 3:12 9 Insect Black Featuring – JayTram 4:06 10 Arbol De Feos 1:18 11 Perfidia Rap [Featuring] – Seven Star 1:53 12 A Reason If I Can Call 2:50 13 Tape 1 Featuring – Russ Dawg 1:48 14 Epstein Vs V8 Featuring – V8 3:55 15 Latinidad Mio Featuring – Ben Davis 4:58
奄美大島が生んだ奇才Olive OilによるMIX CD! Botanica del jibaro / Arepaz / RL66 の全カタログより厳選されたベストトラックを全40曲収録。 Mix CD by Olive Oil, the genius born in Amami island of Japan! 40 of the best tracks selected from the entire catalog of Botanica del jibaro / Arepaz / RL66. 1 Deviant –Latinidad (Intro) 1:01 2 Chris Devoe–Sister Bright-Eyed 2:08 3 Manuvers–Rappin 2:14 4 Soarse Spoken–Ghost In A Shell 1:40 5 Mihara*–Suspect 1:20 6 Mihara*–Fate 2:18 7 Soarse Spoken–The Great Architect 1:42 8 Epstein Y El Conjunto–Amigo De Eermanos 1:14 9 Soarse Spoken–Life 0:46 10 Mihara*– Flow 1:39 11 Boom & Birds–My Picture Of You 1:17 12 Boom & Birds–Duro 0:44 13 Boom & Birds–Estaba 1:28 14 Seven Star–Speak The Truth Rap [Featuring] – Cyne 0:32 15 Epstein–Epstein Vs V8 0:59 16 Deviant –86's (Sudden Death!) 1:11 17 Arrowax–Flatlands 0:10 18 Epstein Y El Conjunto–Reverse Hand (Edit 2) 0:26 19 Antennae–Antennae 1:10 20 Epstein–Dedication Rap [Featuring] – Soarse Spoken 2:17 21 Boom & Birds–One Visit 1:39 22 Soarse Spoken–For Waiting Rap [Featuring] – Rudee Goblen* 1:52 23 Soarse Spoken–Leadership Midnight 0:44 24 Epstein Y El Conjunto–Salida Del Conjunto 1:46 25 Seven Star–Pills (Decisions) 1:49 26 Soarse Spoken–It Is What It Is Rap [Featuring] – Punchanello*, Seven Star 1:54 27 Seven Star–Trojan Horse 1:09 28 Boom & Birds–Yellow Kite 1:45 29 Boom & Birds–Acting On Seven 1:20 30 Epstein–Meadow 1:06 31 Soarse Spoken–I Walk Proud 1:39 32 Epstein Y El Conjunto–Floating By 0:47 33 Seven Star–Recuerdo Rap [Featuring] – Nick Calaveras 1:22 34 Epstein–Cuatro Rap [Featuring] – Stres 1:52 35 Seven Star–Laura Lee Vocals [Featuring] – BFlecha 1:20 36 Soarse Spoken–Final Stepping Stone 2:21 37 Epstein–Sin Pueblo 1:05 38 JayTram–Lofi Teen Gangs 2:32 39 Deviant –Of Sun And Rain 3:07 40 V8–Outro 0:31
Epstein,Ben Lawless, Ben Davis等豪華ゲストアーティストが参加したアルバム! La Mano Fria による日本翻訳解説付きです。 The album features guest artists such as Epstein, Ben Lawless, Ben Davis and more! Includes a Japanese translation of La Mano Fria's commentary. 1 Calculating Calamity 2:29 2 Frog And Toad 5:51 3 Burning My Fingers On The Sun 4:42 4 Amala And Kamala 3:34 5 Flying Cages Featuring – Epstein 5:29 6 Sister Bright-Eyed 4:28 7 Tenfold Featuring – Ben Lawless 4:37 8 Talking To Drums 2:53 9 Outside 3:12 10 Sideways Featuring – Ben Davis 5:34 11 Cassette Tape Flowers 4:15 12 Eight Squares Center 4:17 13 To My Allies 4:26 CHRIS DEVOE(クリス・デヴォー) アトランタ在住のミュージシャン。フロリダ州ジャクソンビル生まれ。 貧困地区で、父親のいない貧しい家庭の中、力強い母親、祖母、叔母に育てられ、 ゴスペル、ジャズ、ソウル、ロック、アメリカンヒップホップなど、様々な音楽を聴いて育つ。 その後、アトランタに移り住み、Epsteinをはじめ、Jay Tram, LeBlaze,そしてScott HerrenことPrefuse73等と共に、音楽活動を行う。 Musician living in Atlanta. Born in Jacksonville, Florida. Raised by a strong mother, grandmother and aunt in an impoverished neighborhood without a father. He grew up listening to a variety of music, including gospel, jazz, soul, rock, and American hip-hop. Later, he moved to Atlanta and worked with Epstein, Jay Tram, LeBlaze, and Scott Herren's (Prefuse 73).
Antennae - Exit
Antennae(アンテナ)は、Stres, DJ Manuvers, Induceの3人から成るマイアミのアンダーグランドシーンが生んだヒップホップグループ。Stresという詩人、才人の紡ぎだす抽象的でメッセージ性を強く持つリリックと、チリ出身Manuversの中南米を彷彿させる独特のトラック、Induceのプロデュースワークと、それぞれ溢れる音楽的才能を持ち合わせて創り上げた音像のアートピースの集合体がこのアルバム『Exit』。Antennae(アンテナ)はこのアルバムをもって解散をしたため、彼らの最初で最後のアルバムとなりました。 Antennae is a hip-hop group from the Miami underground scene with Stres, DJ Manuvers, and Induce.This album "Exit" is a collection of sound art pieces created by the abstract and message-driven lyricism of Stres, the unique tracks reminiscent of Latin America by Manuvers from Chile, the production work of Induce, and the overflowing musical talent of each. Since Antennae disbanded after this album,This is their first and last album. 1 Intro 2 My First Self 3 In My Room (Antennae Remix) 4 Antennae 5 Aquatennae 6 Manuvers Interlude 7 I Disapper 8 Light To Light (Antennae Remix) 9 Destroy This 10 Ethos Interlude 11 Stasis 12 Boundary Situation 13 Leave The Surface 14 Grey Havens Bonus Transmissions.. 15 In My Room (Original) 16 Light To Light (Original)
Facundo Cabral の No soy de aqui, Ni soy de allから大きなインスピレーションを得て作成されたEpsteinによる日本盤アルバム。 Epsteinがクラウンハイツの小さな安売り店のほこりっぽい棚から、バージニア州のリンチバーグの先見的なレコードショップまで赴き、かきあつめた素材を一つのアイデアにまとめ作った歌は、周囲からの影響と頭の中で作り出したことを、サンプルやシンセサイザーの音を借りて物語にしたものです。 This album of Japanese edition by Epstein was heavily inspired by Facundo Cabral "No soy de aqui, Ni soy de all". Epstein went from the dusty shelves of a small bargain store in Crown Heights to a visionary record store in Lynchburg, Virginia, to gather the material into a single idea. The songs he created are stories of influences from his surroundings and what he created in his head, by using samples and synthesizer sounds. 1 ARRIVAL TO NEW YORK (A SHORT STORY ABOUT GETTING THERE) 2 WHEN WE HIDE (THIS TIME) 3 VILCABAMBA 4 EL CONDOR DESPIERTA (EL CONJUNTO EDIT) 5 I CAN MEMORIZE YOU (CAN YOU?) 6 UNA TARDE 7 GALLOP 8 NEEDED 9 BGBGBG (OFFSET TAPE SPLICE) 10 OUR BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE 11 TEMPORARY 12 A LOST ANIMAL - FEATURING SCHOOL OF SEVENBELLS 13 TING AND PINGE 14 THERE'S A WAY UNDER (HERE) JAPAN BONUS: 15 BIG CAR (FUTURE RAPPER EDIT) 16 PARENTHESIS (AND MORE MEANINGS)
Beta Bodega Coalitionが2005年に設立した新レーベル"AREPAZ(アレパ)"。 ヒップホップ、テクノ、ハウス、IDM、エレクトロバズ・ファンクなどが融合された2004年〜2006年にリリースされた楽曲のベスト盤!Latin Jazz、Folk、Breakbeats、Instrumental dub...とジャンルに一切こだわらない本物のマスターピースを目指したArepaz(アレパ)のアルバムです。 AREPAZ is a new label established by Beta Bodega Coalition in 2005. It is a fusion music of hip-hop, techno, house, IDM, electro-bazz funk, etc., and is an greatest hit album of music released between 2004 and 2006. Latin Jazz, Folk, Breakbeats, Instrumental dub.... This is an album by Arepaz that aims to be a real masterpiece without any genre. 1. Cafe Con Piernas : Climber 2. Latinidad : Deviant 3. Brown (CAL): Boom & Birds 4. Get Away : Climber 5. Playa, Mar, Cerdo, Juego : Epstein 6. Coke and Smile : Manuvers 7. Sin Pueblo : Epstein 8. December Until... : Climber 9. Estaba : Boom & Birds 10. En Sus Brazos : Epstein 11. Even Rich People Die : Deviant 12. Yellow Kite : Boom & Birds 13. Duo : Epstein 14. Outro Punal : Epstein
マイアミのヒップホップ・アンダーグラウンドを世界に知らしめたレーベル"Botanica del jibaro"のコレクティブ、通称ボタニカ・オールスターズの5周年記念として作成されたスペシャル・ベスト・ヒットCD。 La mano fria presents the botanica del jibaro collective known as botanica all stars. special 5 year anniversary greatest hits CD from the record label that introduced the world to the miami hiphop underground. 1 Seven Star : Speak the Truth (featuring CYNE) 2 Antennae : My First Self 3 Deviant : Latinidad (featuring Seven Star & Jay Love Da Lyricist) 4 Soarse Spoken : Guerra Civil 5 Serum : I of the Beholder 6 Climber : From Start to Finish (featuring Bern Biz) 7 Antennae : Destroy this 8 Seven Star : The 11th Commandment 9 Soarse Spoken & Punch3nello : Never Procrastinating 10 Antennae : Light to Light (Manuvers remix) 11 Evolver : Seekers 12 Seven Star : Trojan Horse (Epstein remix) 13 Epstein : Cuarto (In My Room Epstein remix) 14 Soarse Spoken : Spoken For (featuring CYNE & Omniscient) 15 Seven Star : Trojan Horse 16 Funknotix Miami 88. 1 fm hosted by Manuvers (featuring Soarse Spoken, Serum, Seven Star)
BOTANICA ALL-STARS GREATEST HITSに続くヒップホップ・レーベル『Botanica del jibaro』ベスト盤第2弾! 日本人リミキサー’Mihara' 'Plastic Echo' によるremix、Katrah-Quey,Arrowaxなどを含む全17曲を収録。 The follow up compilation album from "Botanica del jibaro" record label, following "Botanica All-stars Greatest Hits"! 17 tracks including remixes by Japanese remixers 'Mihara' and 'Plastic Echo', Katrah-Quey, Arrowax and more. 1 Fly Away with Me feat. Mercury Waters / katrah Quey 2 En Panorama (Katrah Quey remix) / Arrowax 3 Pacifics / Evolver 4 The Philosophy of Letting Go (Epstein remix) / Seven Star 5 Conscious Evolution / Seven Star 6 Friendshit / Seven Star 7 Eaze Bak / Omniscient 8 Consumer Report feat. Stres/ Soarse Spoken 9 Wordsmith’s Kingdom / Soares Spoken 10 Epic Journey / Soarse Spolen & Serum 11 I Walk Proud / Soarse Spoken 12 Walking Life feat. Seven Star / Epstein 13 Speak with Truth feat. CYNE (Mihara remix) / Seven Star 14 Quiet Rain (Deviant remix feat. Arrowax & DJ Blanko) / Mihara 15 Let Go / Manuvers 16 Flatlands (Plastic Echo remix) / Arrowax 17 Libertat’ / Soarse Spoken & Prefuse73
Beta Bodega Coalition 豪華14タイトルCDセット / Set of 14CDS for limited only one set
限定1セット! Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66のディスコグラフィー14タイトルを収集。日本盤CD14枚を特別価格でお届けします! Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66 14 Japanese CDS for a special bundle price only for limited 1 customer! 各タイトル / Titles of 14 CDs below EPSTEIN&EL CONJUNTO | WHEN MAN IS FULL HE FALLS ASLEEP EPSTEIN : OTROS Antennae - Exit DEVIANT | SOCIAL COMMENTARY AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA | GREATEST HITS AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA | GREATEST HITS 2 SOARSE SPOKEN | THIRD WORLD PROPHECIES SOARSE SPOKEN | LEADERSHIP MIDNIGHT BOTANICA ALL-STARS : GREATEST HITS BOTANICA ALL-STARS2 : GREATEST HITS La mano Fria + otto von schirach presenta ---EL SANTO - EL GOLPE AVISA DJ DOGG | RICE AND BEANS : MIXED AND SERVED PART 2 Olive Oil | Rice and Beans: Mixed & Served Part 3 Epstein Gente Sin Pueblo
Beta Bodega Coalition 豪華20タイトルCDセット / Set of 20CDS for limited 3 customers
あと1セット! Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66の22周年記念セット。ほぼ全てのディスコグラフィーを収集。日本盤CD20枚を特別価格でお届けします! Beta Bodega Coalition/RL66 22 year anniversary set. Collect almost the entire discography. 20 Japanese CDS for a special bundle price + special shipping for limited 3 customers! (while limited stock lasts). 各タイトル / Titles of 20CDs SEVEN STAR : THE ORIGINALS ARROWAX | Antiguo EPSTEIN&EL CONJUNTO | CANTO DE HERMANOS EPSTEIN&EL CONJUNTO | WHEN MAN IS FULL HE FALLS ASLEEP EPSTEIN : OTROS Jibaro Times : Chapter1 [Infiltrate] Antennae - Exit DEVIANT | SOCIAL COMMENTARY AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA | GREATEST HITS AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA | GREATEST HITS 2 SOARSE SPOKEN | THIRD WORLD PROPHECIES SOARSE SPOKEN | LEADERSHIP MIDNIGHT LEB LAZE | RASHEED'S DREAM BOTANICA ALL-STARS : GREATEST HITS BOTANICA ALL-STARS2 : GREATEST HITS JAYTRAM | ONLY A SEASON La mano Fria + otto von schirach presenta ---EL SANTO - EL GOLPE AVISA DJ DOGG | RICE AND BEANS : MIXED AND SERVED PART 2 Olive Oil | Rice and Beans: Mixed & Served Part 3 CHRIS DEVOE | The Perception of Obstacles Platano Press限定特典Beta Bodega Coalition主宰La Mano Fria がデザインしたサイン入りポストカードも付いてきます! Every CD set purchased from Platano Press will come with a signed postcard designed by Beta Bodega Coalition founder, La Mano Fria. exclusive to Platano Press!
ラテンアメリカからの移民(IMMIGRANTE)2世たちが奏でるラテンの旋律と灼熱のブレイクビーツ『AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA』のベスト盤第2弾! Deviantの『Of Sun & Rain』 を筆頭にJaytram、Seven Star、Epstein、Prefuse73、DJ3000など国内外から多くの信頼あるアーティストたちが参加したアルバムです。 This is the second greatest hit album of "AREPAZ IMMIGRANTE ORCHESTRA", the Latin melodies and scorching breakbeats played by second generation immigrants (IMMIGRANTE) from Latin America! This album features Deviant's "Of Sun & Rain", Jaytram, Seven Star, Epstein, Prefuse73, DJ3000, and many other trusted artists from Japan and abroad. 1. Boom and Birds : Theme 1 2. Deviant : Of Sun & Rain 3. Epstein & El Conjunto : Canto de Hermanos (Deviant remix) 4. JayTram : Smile 5. Deviant feat. Soarse Spoken & Deviant : Of Sun & Rain (Theory Derived Remix) 6. Epstein & El Conjunto : In Time 7. Epstein : Cerdo 8. Seven Star : The Missing 9. Epstein : Walking Life feat. Seven Star (Mihara remix) 10. Epstein & El Conjunto : Algo De Ti 11. Chris Devoe feat. Epstein : Flying Cages 12. Square from The Four Corners : Getwitit 13. Manuvers : Daybreak 14. Soarse Spoken : Guerra Civil (3000NDL remix) 15. Prefuse73 & V8 : Transmito.00173 16. Deviant : Latinidad (DJ3000 remix)
弱冠22歳でカリビアン アンダーグラウンド ファンク、ラテンジャズのこのアルバムを作成したDEVIANT!DEVIANTによるショートエッセー"Que laque hay?"付きです。 At the age of 22, DEVIANT created this album of Caribbean underground funk and Latin jazz! It comes with a short essay "Que laque hay?" by DEVIANT. 1 FOCUS | intro feat.James Sawyer 2 Clock Out | feat.Hazicus 3 Continuum | feat.James Sawyer 4 Thunder 5 Mina's Funk 6 Seven Cellphone Interlude 7 Latinidad | feat.Seven Star & Jay Love Da Lyricist 8 Damn 9 Waiting | feat.Theory Derived 10 By Design | feat. Stres, Serum & Deviant 11 Someday 12 Even Rich People Die 13 Tales From Her Darkside 14 Forward Progression 15 By Design | Doone's Mekanick Remix
DJ DOGGによるオリジナルremix "Guerra Civil (DJ Dogg Golddogg Remix)" 収録! Botanica del jibaro / Arepaz未発表音源、DJ DOGGオリジナル音源を含む全23曲収録。 Includes DJ Dogg's original remix "Guerra Civil (DJ Dogg Golddogg Remix)"! 23 tracks including Botanica del jibaro / Arepaz unreleased music + DJ Dogg's original music. 1 Soarse Spoken & DJ Dogg–Guerra Civil (DJ Dogg Golddogg Remix) 3:54 2 Epstein–Duo 1:54 3 Soarse Spoken–I Walk Proud 2:05 4 Megadebt–Your Wars, I Ain't Buying Them (Drum Solo) 2:52 5 Epstein–Sin Sombra Un Pecho (Blend Mix) 1:03 6 Seven Star–Speak The Truth Rap [Featuring] – Cyne 2:59 7 DJ Dogg–Noized Konfusion 2:49 8 Epstein Y El Conjunto–Reverse Hand 1:44 9 Deviant –Of Sun And Rain 2:49 10 Serum–I Of The Beholder 2:35 11 Antennae–In My Room (Malcom Kipe Remix) 1:53 12 Seven Star–Viuda Negra 3:42 13 Deviant –Waiting 3:33 14 Boom & Birds–Estaba 2:31 15 DJ Dogg–Press Cup 2008 1:33 16 Climber–Get Away 2:12 17 Big Joe –Ghetto Starr (DJ Dogg Private Mix) 2:37 18 Antennae–Destroy This 3:27 19 Miles –Love Immortal 2:37 20 Boom & Birds–Brown (CAL) 2:18 21 Seven Star–Trojan Horse (Epstein Remix) 3:22 22 Soarse Spoken–Wordsmith's Kingdom 2:46 23 DJ Dogg–Dogg's Sax Punch
マイアミに拠点を置き、数々の伝説的なヴァイナルをドロップしてきたヒップホップレーベル・Botanica del Jibaro(ボタニカ・デル・ヒバロ)。レーベルとして欠番となっていたナンバー『BDJ001』。レーベルとしての意思を示すために世に放たれたアルバムです! Botanica del Jibaro is a Miami-based hip-hop label that has dropped a number of legendary vinyl releases. The number "BDJ001" had been missing from the label. This album was released to the world to show the label's spirit! track 1 Malcolm Kipe : Mans Vents track 2 Supersoul & Judah Manson : Paper Chase track 3 Panda one : U ain't Fresh track 4 Climber : The Secret[Interlude] track 5 Soarse Spoken featuring Punch3nello: Resistance track 6 Climber featuring Serum : I of the Beholder track 7 Manuvers : Freedom[Interlude] track 8 Soarse Spoken : Summer Blues [Manuvers remix] track 9 Yesh : Motivate track 10 Epstein : Mira track 11 Manuvers featuring Seven Star : Decisions track 12 Deaf to the General Public : Storytellers Story track 13 Dave Ghetto featuring Fel Sweetenburg : Comp Stomp track 14 Eliot Lipp : Bam track 15 Antennae : Light to Light[Manuvers remix]
Prefuse73の正式なTour DJとして参加したLEB LAZEのファーストアルバム。 メロディックなハードコア、フューチャーリスティック・ブレイクビーツ。NYブルックリンのアンダーグラウンドDJによるメジャー・ダンスミュージックです。 LEB LAZE(レブレイズ): Epstein, JaytramそしてPrefuse73等と共に音楽活動を行い、2004年にPrefuse73のレーベルでもあるEastern developmentsよりEP"Pressure"をリリース。今作はミックスダウンをPrefuse73が手がけ、フィーチャリングアーティストとしてFrancisco Rodriguez Jr.Toko Yasuda of Enon,Zano bathroom, Shannon Funchess, Leyodeが参加。 LEB LAZE's first album as an official Tour DJ for Prefuse73.Melodic hardcore, futuristic breakbeats, major dance music from an underground DJ in Brooklyn, NY. LEB LAZE: LEB LAZE worked with Epstein, Jaytram and Prefuse73, and released an EP "Pressure" on Prefuse73's Eastern developments label in 2004. The CD was mixed down by Prefuse73 and features Francisco Rodriguez Jr.Toko Yasuda of Enon, Zano bathroom, Shannon Funchess and Leyode. 1 Interpretations (Feat. Francisco Rodriguez Jr) 2 Next World Takeover (Feat. Toko Yasuda of Enon) 3 We Sees Scenes (Feat. Zano Bathroom) 4 Nativeland/Atlantis Underground 5 Into the Sunshine (Feat. Shannon Funchess and Francisco Rodriguez Jr) 6 Slow Crack Kids 7 Cave Secrets (Feat. Beth Moon) 8 We Sees Scenes (Reprise) Feat. Zano Bathroom 9 Slow Crack Kids (Epstein's Ojo Chueco Mix) 10 Into the Sunshine (Chris Devoe's Solitude Miz) 11 Slow Crack Kids (Leyode's S.Sakura Mix)
ARROWAX | Antiguo
マイアミ・メロウビーツからラテン・ヒップホップの傑作! 全18トラック収録の完全オリジナルアルバム。 シングル"En Panorama (featuring B- Flecha)” 収録、La Mano Fria によるショートエッセイ付(日本語訳付)です。 Masterpiece of Miami Mellowbeats to Latin hip-hop! This is a complete original album with 18 tracks including the single "En Panorama (featuring B- Flecha)" and a short essay by La Mano Fria. 1 Ancient 2:18 2 Collective Dedication 3:25 3 En Panorama 4:06 4 God Bless Chilito 1:00 5 Un Idioma 4:26 6 Memories 3:18 7 Godspeed 4:25 8 Merchants Of Art 3:32 9 Masterbuilders 3:48 10 Buen Dia 3:21 11 To The East 4:14 12 Flatlands 2:49 13 Flesh & Blood 4:36 14 Under The Grey Skies 4:10 15 Monstruos 3:47 16 Futuro 3:30 17 No Seeds 4:29 18 Antiguo 3:41