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マイアミに拠点を置き、数々の伝説的なヴァイナルをドロップしてきたヒップホップレーベル・Botanica del Jibaro(ボタニカ・デル・ヒバロ)。レーベルとして欠番となっていたナンバー『BDJ001』。レーベルとしての意思を示すために世に放たれたアルバムです!
Botanica del Jibaro is a Miami-based hip-hop label that has dropped a number of legendary vinyl releases. The number "BDJ001" had been missing from the label. This album was released to the world to show the label's spirit!
track 1 Malcolm Kipe : Mans Vents
track 2 Supersoul & Judah Manson : Paper Chase
track 3 Panda one : U ain't Fresh
track 4 Climber : The Secret[Interlude]
track 5 Soarse Spoken featuring Punch3nello: Resistance
track 6 Climber featuring Serum : I of the Beholder
track 7 Manuvers : Freedom[Interlude]
track 8 Soarse Spoken : Summer Blues [Manuvers remix]
track 9 Yesh : Motivate
track 10 Epstein : Mira
track 11 Manuvers featuring Seven Star : Decisions
track 12 Deaf to the General Public : Storytellers Story
track 13 Dave Ghetto featuring Fel Sweetenburg : Comp Stomp
track 14 Eliot Lipp : Bam
track 15 Antennae : Light to Light[Manuvers remix]
¥2,310 税込